An imagine of Chris Shales, Clinial Director at Willows, sitting with a golden labrador and smiling


We’re delighted for Chris Shales, our renowned clinical director, who has taken on a key European role alongside his work here at Willows.  

Chris has been named as the new Chair of the Small Animal Scientific Committee for the European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS).

It’s an important position within the ECVS, which is responsible for setting the training requirements and administering the examination of veterinarians working to become recognised specialists in the field of veterinary surgery.

Chris, a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and a European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (ECVS), will also be taking overall responsibility for both the soft tissue and orthopaedic sub-committees.

He said: “I am delighted to have been asked to take on this important role within the ECVS.

“It is one of the largest colleges within the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS), which is the umbrella organisation for veterinary specialties within Europe.

“I have served on the scientific committee since 2019 and during that time shared the responsibility of designing and delivering the programme for the annual July meeting which draws speakers and delegates from all over the world, making great friends in the process.”

Chris was appointed clinical director here at Willows in January, having previously been head of our soft tissue surgery service.

The Cambridge University graduate is a highly respected figure in the veterinary world and has a keen interest in helping develop the vets of the future.

He was previously director of our surgical residency training programme, has had numerous research papers published and addressed both national and international conferences.

Chris has also worked with the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) and the Association of Veterinary Soft Tissue Surgeons (AVSTS).

Outside of work, he is a keen rugby fan, cook, mountain biker, amateur landscape gardener and loves walking the hills with his family, labrador Hattie and friends.

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