0121 712 7071
Internal Medicine
Head of Internal Medicine
RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
European Specialist of Small Animal Internal Medicine
Professor in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Scientific publications:
‘The use of omental pedicle grafts in reconstruction of chronic non-healing axillary wounds in 10 cats’. Lascelles BDX, Davison LD, Dunning MD, Bray JP, White RA. Journal of Small Animal Practice 1998, 39: 475-480.
‘Urinary tract infections in small animals: pathophysiology and diagnosis’. Dunning MD and Stonehewer J. In Practice 2002, 24(8): 418-432.
‘Urinary tract infections in small animals: therapeutic options and management of problem cases’. Dunning MD and Stonehewer J. In Practice 2002, 24(9):518-527.
Increasing local levels of neuregulin (glial growth factor-2) by direct infusion into areas of demyelination does not alter remyelination in the rat CNS. Penderis J, Woodruff RH, Lakatos A, Li WW, Dunning MD, Zhao C, Marchionni M, Franklin RJ. Eur J Neurosci. 2003 Oct;18(8):2253-64.
Dunning MD, Lakatos A, Loizou L, Kettunen M, ffrench-constant C, Brindle KM, Franklin RJM, Superparamagnetic iron oxide-labelled Schwann cells and olfactory ensheathing cells can be traced in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging and retain functional properties following transplantation into the CNS. The Journal of Neuroscience 2004 24(44):9799 –9810
Dunning MD, Kettunen M, ffrench-constant C, Franklin RJM, Brindle KM. Magnetic resonance imaging of functional Schwann cell transplants labelled with magnetic microspheres. Neuroimage 2006: 15; 31 (1): 172-80
Alpha1-proteinase inhibitor deficiency and Bartonella infection in association with panniculitis, polyarthritis, and meningitis in a dog. Mellor PJ, Fetz K, Maggi RG, Haugland S, Dunning M, Villiers EJ, Mellanby RJ, Williams D, Breitschwerdt E, Herrtage ME. JVIM 2006 20 (4): 1023-8
Exogenous insulin treatment after hypofractionated radiotherapy in cats with diabetes and acromegaly. Dunning MD, Lowrie CA, Bexfield NH, Dobson JM, Herrtage ME, JVIM 2009 23(2): 243-9.
Haemophilia A (Factor VIII deficiency) in a litter of Weimaraners. MD Dunning, GF Averis, H Pattinson, S Cade, ME Herrtage, JSAP 2009: 50(7): 357-9.
Comparison of survival after surgical or medical treatment in dogs with a congenital portosystemic shunt. Greenhalgh SN, Dunning MD, McKinley TJ, Goodfellow MR, Kelman KR, Freitag T, O’Neill EJ, Hall EJ, Watson PJ, Jeffery ND, J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2010 Jun 1;236(11):1215-20
COX-2 expression and outcome in canine nasal carcinomas treated with hypofractionated radiotherapy. Belshaw Z, Constantio-Casas F, Brearley MJ, Dunning MD, Holmes MA, Dobson JM, Vet Comp Oncol 2011 9(2): 141-148
Colonic Vascular Ectasia (angiodysplasia) in a juvenile dog. Charlesworth T, Anderson DM, Scase T, Dunning MD, JSAP 2013, 54(1): 36-9
Long-Term survival and quality of life in dogs with clinical signs associated with a congenital portosystemic shunt after surgical or medical treatment. Greenhalgh SN, Reeve JA, Johnstone T, Goodfellow MR, Dunning MD, O’Neill EJ, Hall EJ, Watson PJ, Jeffery ND, JAVMA, 2014, 245(5): 527-533
Use of a Microsoft Excel based add-in program to calculate plasma sinistrin clearance by a two-compartment model analysis in dogs. STEINBACH, SARAH ML, STURGESS CP., DUNNING MD. and NEIGER R, Res Vet Sci 2015, 100: 263-264
A review of anaemia of inflammatory disease in dogs and cats. CHIKAZAWA, S and DUNNING, MD, 2016. JSAP 2016 57(7), 348-353
Polyglandular endocrinopathy type II (Schmidt’s syndrome) in a Dobermann pinscher. Cartwright JA, Stone J, Rick M, Dunning MD, JSAP 2016 57, 491-4
Multiple Genetic Associations with Irish Wolfhound Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Simpson S1, Dunning MD1, Brownlie S1, Patel J1, Godden M1, Cobb M1, Mongan NP2, Rutland CS1. Biomed Res Int, 2016, 637, 4082
Improving IBD in dogs through exercise. Dunning MD, Vet Rec, 2017, 180, 222-223
Preliminary investigation of urine N‐telopeptide concentration as a biomarker of bone resorption in dogs receiving glucocorticoids. Adamany, J.L., Cross, G.F., Gardner, D. and Dunning, M.D., JSAP 2017 58, 403-407
Comparative review of human and canine osteosarcoma: morphology, epidemiology, prognosis, treatment and genetics. Simpson S, Dunning MD, de Brot S, Grau-Roma L, Mongan NP, Rutland CS. Acta Vet Scand. 2017 Oct 24;59(1):
A remote assay for measuring canine platelet activation and the inhibitory effects of antiplatelet agents. Dunning M, May J, Adamany J, Heptinstall S, Fox S. JVIM 2018, 32 (1): 119-127
Gall bladder mucoceles in Border terriers. Allerton F, Swinbourne F, Barker L, Black V, Kathrani A, Tivers M, Henriques T, Kisielewicz C, Dunning M, Kent A. JVIM 2018.
Pathological Findings in the Pituitary Glands of Dogs and Cats. Polledo L, Grinwis GCM, Graham P, Dunning M, Baiker K. Veterinary Pathology, 2018
Survey-based pilot study into the chosen therapy and prophylaxis used by UK primary care veterinary surgeons against canine angiostrongylosis., Suttleworth A, Wright I, Dunning M, Elsheikha H,. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and reports, 2018
Abstract presentations:
Head of Clinical Nutrition
RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Medicine (Internal Medicine)
American and European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
American Specialist in Small Animal Nutrition
Scientific Articles and Case Reports
Wray, J.D., Gajanayake, I. & Smith, S.H. (2007) Congestive heart failure associated with a large transverse left ventricular moderator band in a cat. Journal of Feline Medicine & Surgery 9, 56-60.Chandler, M., Elwood, C., Murphy, K., Gajanayake, I. & Syme, H (2007) Juvenile nephropathy in 37 Boxer dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice 48, 690-694.
Gajanayake, I., Niessen, S., Cherubini, G.B. & Shelton, G.D. (2008) Acquired myasthenia gravis and dysautonomia in a dog. Journal of Small Animal Practice 49, 593-595.Penning, V.A., Connolly, D.J.,
Gajanayake, I., McMahon, L.A., Luis Fuentes, V., Chandler, K.E. & Volk, H.A. (2009) Seizure-like episodes in three cats with intermittent high grade atrioventricular dysfunction. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 23, 200-205.
Gajanayake, I., Priestnall, S.L., Benigni, L., English, K., Summers, B.A. & Garden, O.A. (2010) Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia in a dog with benign renal angiomyxoma. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 22, 775-780.
Gajanayake, I., Wylie, C. E. and Chan, D. L. (2013) Clinical experience with a lipid-free, ready-made parenteral nutrition solution in dogs: 70 cases (2006–2012). Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 23(3), 305-313.
Darcy H, Simpson K, Gajanayake I, Seth M, McGrotty Y, Szladovits B and Glanemann B (2018). Feline primary erythrocytosis: a multicentre case series of 18 cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 20(12), 1192-1198.
Review Articles
Gajanayake, I. & Chan, D.L. (2009) Nutritional support for the critical care patient. In Practice 31, 386-389.
Gajanayake, I. (2014) Management of the anorexic cat. In Practice 36, 163-171.
Andrew H Sparkes, Sarah Caney, Serge Chalhoub, Jonathan Elliott, Natalie Finch, Gajanayake I, Catherine Langston, Hervé P Lefebvre, Joanna White, and Jessica Quimby (2016) ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Feline Chronic Kidney Disease Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 18: 219-239.
Gajanayake, I. (2017) Senior pets – dietary advice to offer cat and dog owners. Vet Times, 17 April 2017.
Book Chapters
Gajanayake, I. (2015) Nasoesophageal feeding tubes in dogs and cats
Gajanayake, I. & Chan, D.L. (2015) Gastrostomy feeding tubes in dogs and cats
In: Nutritional Management of Hospitalized Small Animals. 1st edn. Ed Daniel L. Chan. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, United Kingdom.
Gajanayake, I., Lumbis, R., Greet, G. & Girling, S. (2011) Nutrition and feeding. In: BSAVA Textbook of Veterinary Nursing. 5th edn. Eds B. Cooper, E. Mollineaux and L. Turner. British Small Animal Veterinary Association, Gloucester, United Kingdom. pp 305-345.
RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Medicine (Internal Medicine)
American and European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
K.Roe, A. Pratt, J. Lulich, C. Osborne and H. Syme (2012) Analysis of 14,008 uroliths from dogs in the UK over a 10-year period. Journal of Small Animal Practice 53, 634-640
Warren-Smith CM, Roe K, de la Puerta B, Smith K, Lamb CR (2011) Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma seeding along a fine needle aspiration tract in a dog. Veterinary Record 13; 169 (7): 181
Roe KA, Syme HM, Brooks HW (2010) Congenital large intestinal hypoganglionosis in a domestic shorthair kitten. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 12 (5): 418- 20
Book chapters contributor:
Taylor, S. Harvey, A. (2015) Feline Internal Medicine Review and Test. 1st edition Saunders Elsevier
European Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Research Publications:
Girod, M, Allerton, F., Gommeren, K., Tutunaru, AC., de Marchin, J.3, Van Soens, I., Ramery, E. and Peeters, D. (2016) Evaluation of the effect of oral omeprazole on canine cerebrospinal fluid production: A pilot study. The Vet Journal 209: 119-24
F.J.W. Allerton, J. Leemans, F. Bernearts, C. Tual, F. Bernaerts, N. Kirschvink, and C. Clercx (2013) Correlation of bronchoalveolar eosinophilic percentage with airway responsiveness in cats with chronic bronchial disease. Journal of Small Animal Practice 54, 258–264
Gomart, S, Allerton, F, Gommeren, K Accuracy of different temperature reading techniques and associated stress response in hospitalized dogs. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
Gommeren, K, Allerton, F, Reynaud, A, Morin, E, Peeters, D, and Silverstein, D Evaluation of a rapid bedside scoring system for microcirculation videos acquired from dogs. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
Research – Presentations: With an international target audience
Ravicini, S., Kent, A., Dunning, M. and Allerton, F. (2017) The Use of a Combination-Drug Protocol Versus Glucocorticoids Alone for Treatment of Idiopathic Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis. Proceedings of the ACVIM Congress, Maryland, USA
Allerton, F., Swinbourne, F., Dunning, M. and Kent, M. (2017). Breed predisposition to gall bladder mucocoeles in Border Terriers. Proceedings of the 27th ECVIM-CA Congress, Malta
Allerton, F*, Gommeren, K, Reynaud, A, Morin, E, Peeters, D, Drobatz, K, & Silverstein, D. (2012). Semiquantitative bedside evaluation of the microcirculation via sidestream dark field imaging in dogs. Proceedings of the 22nd ECVIM-CA Congress (pp. 208).
de Laat, B. W. G. A, Gommeren, K, Denies, S, Merveille, A.-C, Gomart, S, Allerton, F, & Peeters, D. (2012). Influence of sedatives, anticonvulsants and a negative chronotrope on transcranial doppler ultrasonography. Proceedings of the 22nd ECVIM-CA Congress (pp. 209).
Gommeren, K, Allerton, F*, Reynaud, A, Morin, E, Drobatz, K, Peeters, D, & Silverstein, D. (2012). Qualitative bedside evaluation of the microcirculation via sidestream dark field imaging in dogs. Proceedings of the 22nd ECVIM-CA Congress (pp. 208).
Girod, M, Allerton, F, Gommeren, K, Tutunaru, A, De-Marchin, J, Van Soens, I, Peeters, D. (2013) Effects of omeprazole on the canine cerebrospinal fluid composition. Proceedings of the 23rd ECVIM-CA Congress.
Internal Medicine Clinician
Jones, B. A., Cotterill, N., Drees, R., Dietrich, U. M., & Purzycka, K. (2022). Tumours involving the retrobulbar space in cats: 37 cases. Journal of feline medicine and surgery, 24(6), e116–e123.
Glanemann, B., Humm, K., Abreu, M., Aspinall, S., Buckeridge, D., Carveth, H., Darcy, H., Florey, J., Frowde, P., Gajanayake, I., Green, K., Holmes, E., Hrovat, A., Jasensky, A. K., Jones, B. A., Lantzaki, V., Lo, E. J., MacDonald, K., O’Brien, K., Suárez-Bonnet, A., … Wilson, H. (2023). Clinical and clinicopathological features and outcomes of cats with suspected dietary induced pancytopenia. Journal of veterinary internal medicine, 10.1111/jvim.16613.
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Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Service
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8am – 4pm
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Outside of these hours we are open 24/7 365 days a year as an emergency service.